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“Wine prepares the heart making it ready for passion” – Ovid

Vin e Amor, “a name, a project!”

We cultivate the great vineyards of the Sarca Valley with immense passion and we wish to convey the love for our work as winemakers by offering you a taste of the best wines of this area.

With a glass of wine and a platter of local products you will appreciate the typical flavours of Trentino, revealing its history and peculiarities.

“BuonUmor” Room

The “Buon Umor” Room is perfect to enjoy a simple aperitif or a tasty cold dish, to savour carefree moments of relaxation and good food.

Wine Tasting

Every day from 2 PM to 8 PM on request.


Vin e Amor Agriturismo Dro Trento

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